Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Installing Java Platform 102 !

Installing Java Platform

Today, ima been posting on how to get java platform running on your PC; right from the setup to troubleshooting any problem encountered along the way. Let's do this !

Must Read: Welcome to Java Tutorial 101.. lol


 Java SE Development Kit (JDK)

The Java SE Development Kit (JDK) is the platform (a framework on which applications may be run i.e we'll use to develop our Java programs. Java has several editions:

  •  Java ME (Micro Edition) is for developing programs for small devices like cellphones, digital video recorders, cameras, microwave ovens, and so on.

picture showing number two

  • Java SE (Standard Edition) is the one we'll use. It's the most commonly used edition for development and for training.

picture showing number three

  • Java EE (Enterprise Edition) is for large organizations that need to develop complex applications that large numbers of people can use across networks.

Java is one of the first programming languages that was designed to be platform independent, which means that a program written in Java will get along fine with almost any processor and almost any operating system.


 Why Java Rocks !

Before Java came along, programmers had to develop one version of a program for a Windows user, a second version of the same program for a Macintosh user, a third version for a Linux user, and so on. As you might imagine, the process was complicated, time-consuming, and expensive.

But those days are history. With Java, you only need to create a program once, and it'll work on all those platforms— and others as well. This is a tremendous step forward in the world of computer programming. It's also why Java has become so popular for programs that run over the Internet. Internet programmers have no idea how many different types of computers their programs will need to run on. So Java makes their lives much easier!

What's really exciting is the fact that Java programs can run on almost any computer-like device, as long as it has a processor and an operating system. You could (at least in theory) write a single program on your home computer and then see the thing run not only on other types of computers but also on Java-enabled cellphones, handheld organizers, home theater systems, your car, or even your microwave oven! (Okay, that may be taking things a little far, but you get the idea.)

Because Java makes multi-platform software development relatively effortless and convenient, it's one of the most popular programming languages in the world.

Must Read:  H4CKING TRAFFIC LIGHTS MADE EASY # ( Noob Tutorial Friendly)

Steps to Install Java on Your Computer

Now to download the JDK, Click below:

If you having problems with that, post in the comment box.

What Are Java IDE?

So now, we need an IDE (set of tools that helps you create software programs. It provides an editor, a compiler, a debugger, and other tools)

But hold on, you can compile and run Java programs using just the JDK, without an IDE. But to do that, you have to use the old command-line computer interface that requires you to type commands instead of pointing and clicking so nope !. We want the IDE because of its easy use.

For this tutorial, I will be using the Blue J IDE but if you have another IDE you want to use (like Net Beans, Eclipse, or IntelliJ IDEA), feel free to use that.

Steps On How to Install Java IDE

Download the official release:


We want to install the JDK first because Blue-J looks for the JDK and will give you an error message if the JDK isn't there. To install the JDK, go to the installation file that you downloaded earlier, the one named something like "jdk-xxx-windows-i586.exe" or "jdk-xxx-windows-x64.exe," where xxx represents the JDK version number. When you find the file, double-click it to begin the installation. Unless you have a particular directory where you want to install it, just take all the default actions during the installation by clicking OK or Next or Yes whenever the installation asks you for a response.

Once the Java installation is complete, you'll need to install BlueJ (installation link above). Find the BlueJ installation file and double-click it. Once again, just click OK or Next or Yes for any responses until the installation is complete.

If BlueJ doesn't find the JDK in its normal directory, it may ask you where to look for it. If that happens, and you installed the JDK to a different directory than its default, just tell BlueJ where you put it. 


After the BlueJ installation finishes, we're almost ready to try it out to make sure everything works the way it should. To do that, we'll compile and run a couple of the example programs that came with BlueJ. First, though, we need to get one more download. That's an "examples" folder that includes several BlueJ test projects. We'll try out a couple of them to test your installation. You can get a Zip file containing that folder at this link:

I'll continue in the next tutorial. Feel free to leave problems encountered in the comment box.
Thanks !


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