Well most people's thoughts goes to their heart when they hear the word "mind", and quite a number of people know that mind is equivalent to the brain.
So many things run through my mind within a second (spooky ones) even at a tender age. Most of us have different ways of thinking. And believe me... Most statements reacted to (negatively) are most times not too bad. Discovery shows that not everyone takes statements too serious and you know why?...
It's the way the mind interprets it.
I lately discovered something among Nigerians (Epically age 30 and above). They don't keep their mind tense free! and most times misinterprets what they hear or even see and then end the whole situation with slow shaking of their head showing a mild irritation of a "bad generation" or probably "god forbid".
Well I will just tell us to try and keep our minds straight and trust me. You will most times be ache free and be healthier.
True my dear!