Thursday, December 18, 2014


A picture representing Flash Back
Ok! Lets reminisce over the hilarious moments of our life. Lets start with the primary school childhood days precisely.
Remember when you pulled your socks up ( almost getting to your knees) to have the feel of a soldier in action. Yes! I did

pulled your socks up ( almost getting to your knees)

Remember when we wear our school sandals in the opposite way ( left-right, right-left) with the impression that it's perfect.Yes! I did
wearing school sandals in the opposite way ( left-right, right-left)

 How can I forget this.... We can't say we have never thrown or poured our food away  at school (most especially beans) before going home so that we can be served a very fresh food (probably noodles)
Picture showing my fresh food

 Now...let's move back to high school days....
A pictorial image of an high school

 None can oppose the fact that he/she was punctual to almost all the school activities.
Assembly? ............ Ok, maybe

seminar?................  Nahrrr

dining hall? ..............Yeahhh

chapel ? For the very few times in the first year and why? 
"Probably because of the new set of cloths, cutlery, books and other stuffs".
An image showing how a chapel looks like

In fact, the first thing ever known to students at secondary school especially for boarding student is the food roaster. (Man must survive lol)"

I also remember times i do barb nice hair cut and press my cloth so 'nicely'!, you will tempted to say hi lol. Then, teachers do come to my class and flog everybody because of noise making...and i try as much as possible to hold the tears because my crush was always in the class. (oh! so sweet of me)

How my Love crushes my heart

Moments at home could also be crazy...
Like closing the door of the fridge slowly and at the same time trying to see when the inside light was going to switch off. ( though I was successful on this when i locked myself inside the fridge)...
Playing with the fridge light
Sweet memories also about the light issue. I do count 1-100 when NEPA then ( now PHCN, now "whatever they call themselves") interrupts electricity to bring back power to the neighborhood (was always disappointed at the end though)

How I feel about blackout in my country

Times too that I won't wash the dishes until mom yells my names three times simultaneously asking me "young man, how many times did I call your name?".  keep the house clean because we expecting an august visitor (oh!, he never comes lol)

mom giving her sound warning
Even if all these didn't happen to you. 70% of y'all would have seen a friend or someone experienced it.
So let's try to keep good memories because its like a food to the soul wen it's weary...
Thanks for reading!!


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